
#2 Hawaii’s Secret to Happiness (It is a way of life)


Whenever I travel, I try to learn about what defines happiness in a particular culture.

Here’s a little reflection from me, as my vacation in Hawaii comes to an end. But I know that my search for happiness will never end, as my journey is not just to find happiness for myself, but to be a reservoir of joy, an oasis of peace, a pool of serenity that can ripple out to all those around us.

In Hawaii, it’s so easy to feel happy wherever you go, whatever you do or whoever you meet.  

The people who I talked to, including the bus drivers, hotel staff, Ukulele teacher, food truck owners, waiter and waitress at different restaurants and the 70-year old Uber driver, are indeed some of the happiest, kindest and most welcoming people that I’ve met.

So I was curious what their secrets to happiness are and what we can learn from Hawaiian to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Well, I quickly learned that paradise is not a location. It is a way of life.

Here are 5 Hawaiian words that stand out to me and summarise their philosophy of life: “The secrets to happiness are not dependent on where you live, but on how you live.”

1. “ALOHA”  ->> The joyful sharing of life energy in the present

While it is commonly used as a simple greeting “hello” or “goodbye” or “love”, the Aloha Spirit is a well known reference to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the Hawaiian Islands are so famous.

It also has a deeper cultural and spiritual significance to native Hawaiians “the joyful (oha) sharing (alo) of life energy (ha) in the present (alo).”

It refers to a powerful way to resolve any problem, accomplish any goal, and to achieve any state of mind or body that you desire. It is with “aloha spirit” that all things are done.

CExperiences Action:

When you wake up in the morning, say “Aloha” to yourself in the mirror and give yourself a big smile!

Aloha is a caring for others as well as or as much as for your own self. It’s an unselfish love. Love is happiness.


2. “MANAWA” ->> Now is the moment of power

The Hawaiians believe the present moment has the greatest power, because there is nothing we can do right now with the past or the future.

But so often, we use our pasts as excuses to behave a certain way, or our thought runs off into the future when we talk to someone. We are rarely really present with the person and listening and hearing as they speak.

CExperiences Action:

Now, can you take a moment to do this simple exercise? Keep your attention in the present, no thoughts about the future, just experience what’s in front of you, what you are doing right now – for just one minute.

Can you see that the present is where we can perform action that matters for the future? Every second is a new moment of creation, and every habit can be changed. That’s more powerful than anything that’s happened to you in the past.

If you don’t harness your energy, your focus and your action in the moment, if your thoughts are in the past or in the future, it takes you out of your power to make a change.

Act now. All the power for changing your life exists only in the immediate present!


3. “MAKIA” ->> Energy flows where attention goes

It’s the law of attraction. Wherever there is a flow of energy and attention, events and results are created in your life. Attention + Energy + Ideas + Action = Results.

If you choose to focus on the negative things in your life, those negative feelings will only increase. For some people, they might gravitate toward alcohol or drugs and the short-lived pleasure they provide.

But, if you choose to focus your attention on being grateful and your passions, those feelings of positivity will only grow.

CExperiences Action:

Learn to optimize your focus and channel the energy you need to simply be you in a world telling you who to be. Build the courage you need to live from the deepest parts of love and compassion.


4. “NIELE” ->> Be curious

The Hawaiians believe that everyone has a purpose in life and there is a creator in all of us. The sense of curiosity makes the present moment more exciting as you’re constantly on a journey of finding fulfillment, passion and meaning.

Every experience and new knowledge transforms us into a new being. The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only life you have.

CExperiences Action:

Whenever you see a new opportunity or possibility, say ‘YES’ and learn to embrace the new experience.

Be bold, be brave and be curious!

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” This quote by Helen Keller is one of my favorite sayings of all time.


5. “MAHALO” ->> Be grateful

While Mahalo is commonly used as “thank you”, it has a deeper meaning of being grateful.

We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

When life is sweet, say ‘Mahalo’ and celebrate.

And when life is bitter, say ‘Mahalo’ and grow.

CExperiences Action: 

Before going to bed, think about 3 amazing things that happened today and be grateful for what you have. 

Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.


So, how can you use the wisdom of the Hawaiians and their philosophy of life to help you in everyday life?

For me it helps by giving me a new way to look at things from a different perspective as if for the first time; allowing me to find my true self, values and beliefs; surrounding myself with like-minded individuals and empowering more people to create and share new experiences to live a happy, fulfilling and meaning life.

How about you?

Remember, a life of happiness, joy and peace can be experienced by anyone, anywhere, by adhering to the beliefs, attitudes, and actions that make it so.

CExperience Action:

Start living an ideal day that you picture for yourself and your family, start creating new experiences, start investing in yourself and start taking actions to make a positive change NOW!

Let the happiness and fulfillment make you successful, not the other way around.

Cheers & Find your Happiness, 

Cyndi Liang

P.S. This post was written specially for my close friend who is going through a difficult time right now in her life. I hope that these 5 impactful words with the wisdom of Hawaiians help her find her inner strength and resilience to get through the hard times. 

No matter what happens, your family and friends are behind you all the way.

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    1 thought on “#2 Hawaii’s Secret to Happiness (It is a way of life)”

    1. This is beautiful!
      Thank you Cyndi for sharing your amazing experiences here with us. Those secrets to happiness are deeply inspiring! Will start from today, right now, focusing on the present and being grateful at little things around us. Life is short, and full of uncertainty. It’s better be lived wisely with laughs and surprises. Happy journey, happy living!

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