
About cexperiences & Cyndi

“CHOOSE, CREATE, CONNECT Experiences to live your best life true to yourself with love, courage, joy, financial freedom and fulfillment.​” – CExperiences

What we offer @ CExperiences

  • 1-1 Coaching Session (Online or Face-to-Face)
  • 1-1 Counselling Session (e.g. CBT, Abuse, Addictions, Emotions, Grief and loss, Relationship, Communications, Social Skills, Anxiety, Depression, Anger/conflict management etc.)
  • Group Coaching session
  • Workshops/Webinars/Events
  • Self-Worth Accelerator Online Course
  • 31 Days Self-Worth Workbook
  • A wide range of assessments (e.g. Discover your Self-Worth Profile, Values Life Track, EQ Test)
  • Positive & Meaningful Community and Support Group
  • Ongoing support from Cyndi
  • A wide range of self-worth and growth experiences for you to choose, create & connect


Cyndi Liang,  Founder, certified Self-Worth & EQ Coach, qualified Counsellor/Therapist and NLP Practitioner at CExperiences.

I help people who have low self-worth, lack of confidence or life direction to reclaim and increase their self-worth; guide them to change their mindset so that they can overcome their fears, limiting beliefs, emotional blockages or self-defeating behaviours; empower them to unpack their values, talents and passion; support them to build their courage, strengths and resilience; challenge them to unleash their potential; and help them connect with positive, like-minded and supportive people in the CExperiences Community.

My coaching vision is to guide, support, challenge and empower you to grow by analysing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face, offering you a fresh and different perspective, and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.


MY Vision

I envision a world in which every person is inspired to live their life to the fullest with a growth mindset and an open heart, while consciously fulfilling their life’s purpose in being of service to others to help the whole humanity strive.

Love is everything and everywhere.

MY Mission

My mission is to empower more people to reclaim their self-worth and confidence,  accept and love themselves as who they are, recognise their core and shadow values, unpack their talents, strengths, passion and potential, overcome their fears and limiting beliefs, be more open and say YES to experiences and opportunities so that they can be their true self, be real, be authentic and living a life with love, courage, joy, financial freedom and fulfillment.

Inspire 1 million people to reclaim their self-worth by 2030.


MY Message

“ You’re good enough, You’re loved and You’re worthy! ”



If you know me personally, then you know that I’m always happy, cheerful and bubbly with a big smile on my face and so much positive energy. I know that life has its ups and downs, however when a steep turn occurred to me unexpectedly, I wasn’t prepared.

It was a painful and dark period when I lost a friend to suicide; when I felt trapped working 9-5 trading my time for money without motivation, challenges or fulfillment; when the flying hobby that I invested so much time, money and energy in didn’t turn out to be the way I anticipated and I felt like a failure; when someone I love and care about deeply decided to walk away from me; when friends and colleagues were spending the festive season with their love ones but my family is living overseas and I was alone at home by myself, I was lost, lonely, isolated, unhappy and depressed…

I was trapped in my vicious cycle with an unstoppable voice saying that I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH, I’M NOT LOVED AND I’M NOT WORTHY.

I guess hitting the rock bottom has taught me that life is so fragile, and also too short to play small with our talents.

I have also learned that love is not something we find in other people, it’s from our reservoir of self-love, self-respect, self-worth, self-acceptance, gratitude, forgiveness, compassion, humility, humor and generosity.

I started my self-love, self-exploration and healing journey with travelling,  meditation, journaling, reading books, creating my vision board, filling up my 365 Love Happy Jar, reaching out to get a coach/mentor, watching inspiring videos & podcasts and attending some personal development, NLP training and coaching programs……

After working on myself and growing in a deeper way, I have learned to accept myself as who I am (including my flaws), understand my core values and what’s important to me, truly love myself and others unconditionally everyday. I have also shifted my mindset, gained so much confidence, clarity, courage and inspirations and now on a path to be the better version of myself and grow my CExperiences coaching company and community.

I believe that every person in the world has a choice, we can choose an easy path to cruise through life on autopilot and continue with the status quo or we can choose to live a life that is uplifting, inspiring, fulfilling and meaningful and aligned with our values.

At the end of the day, it’s our life and we are the PIC (Person-In-Charge, or in aviation world we call it Pilot-In-Command!) responsible for it.

The world is waiting for us to unpack our brilliance because we are worthy, we are unique and we are important. 

Imagine a world with no limits – what would you do, see, create or become? And more importantly, who will you share it with?

I hope that with the inspiration, encouragement, guidance and support from the CExperiences Self-Worth Coaching Program and our positive and supportive community, you are empowered to live a life true to yourself (not the one expected by others), and equipped with the mindset, skillset, techniques and tools that you need to do what you love with courage, passion, joy, financial freedom & fulfillment, to make time for what’s important, to recognise the value in people and in helping others, and to make a difference in this world for the better.

No matter where you are today in your journey, YOUR ARE NOT ALONE and YOU ARE ENOUGH, YOU ARE LOVED AND WORTHY!

Everyone’s path is unique, start your journey at CExperiences to unlock your self-worth!

My coaching vision is to guide, support, challenge and empower you to grow by analysing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face, offering you a fresh and different perspective, and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.

Let’s have a chat and see how I can help you.

Looking forward to meeting you on this journey!

With Gratitude and Love,

Cyndi Liang

Founder, Self-Worth & EQ Coach at CExperiences